After a long discussion with the business owner concerning why we should never close early, I went up to the store for a beverage half an hour before closing time. Lo and behold, all the lights are off and the store is dark! So, no big deal. I can still get a cheap beer at the 7-11 which is just up the block.
I entered the 7-11 and grabbed a beer, and in walk not one but two of my regular store customers. They were angry (a nice way to put it). They demanded to know why I closed early and then went to a 7-11 to buy beer, especially since it is more expensive at 7-11. These weren't a couple of PBR dudes, these guys regularly purchase $40+ each when they visit my store. So, what am I to say? "Sorry, I wasn't on tonight and the dude who was there (the owner) decided to close up 40 minutes early"?
There is no easy way to put this, but I seriously believe I work for and with the mentally deficient people. I mean, really? After a 20 minute conversation about why we need to stay open until midnight, and the fucking place is dark at 11:30? And on top of that, I have to deal with irate customers on my own personal time? If I pulled that shit, I'd be out of a job.
So, after this incident, I have decided to post (in words) the idiocy that goes on behind the scenes at my work. Enjoy.